


This travelog reports the journey in the country of which name is given by the banner with hyperlinks to the previous & next travelogs. A roadplan is given by the menu Présentation. The synopsis of the travelog is in the menu after the map.

The GPS tracklogs are presented by Google Earth. The GPS tracklogs & waypoints are given by BaseCamp, if there are installed on your computer. Clic img for Google Earth & Clic img for BaseCamp.
More ever waypoints of bivouacs are on a map of the Winlink website. Clic img  N. B. :The Edge browser does not run BaseCamp. For example, using Firefox. Clic. img

An arrow on the map shows the place of the last publication with a hyperlink to a new page.


2019-02-25 : Next travelog : Tanzania

2019-02-24 : Songwe
2019-02-17 : Rumphi
2019-02-10 : Senga Bay
2019-02-03 : Liwonde National Park

2019-01-27 : Previous travelog : Zambia