

-- From 2023/02/06 to 2023/05/09
-- From Palerme to Trans-en-Provence

Monday February 6, 2023 was a Dies Horribilis in reference to the Annus Horribilis expression created by Elizabeth II in 1992. In fact, I took bus 107 to go to Palermo station, beginning of my journey visiting the main monuments of the old city of Palermo. From the station I walked through the old streets remembering the escapades of Prince Fabrizio de Salina, a character in the novel II Gattopardo, going to visit one of his female conquests in a carriage with the Jesuit father Don Pirrone, as an alibi! Unfortunately, in an alley ending in a staircase I felt dizzy causing a heavy fall with my head hitting the sidewalk suddenly. Two passers-by tried to pick me up but the pain was unbearable. A young woman called the police who arrived 20 minutes later. After checking my papers she called an ambulance which came quickly. The transfer to the stretcher was very painful. It was around 10:20. This was the beginning of a journey through three hospital establishments, in Palermo, dispatching (P.O. Civico), operation (Clinica Ortopedia), rehabilitation (Casa di Cura). In the dispatch center on the stretcher in the corridor I waited until 9:10 p.m. to take the x-rays of my right leg and head. The diagnosis was fracture of the femur of the right leg, nothing in the head. The next day, after a night in the corridor, without eating or drinking, I was transferred to a clinic for the operation with the placement of three nails. On the fifth day I was taken to the Casa di Cura for rehabilitation. During this time, after my brother's intervention, AXA Assistance worked hard to arrange my transfer to France. Alas, the discussions with the staff of the Casa di Cura were endless quibbles in Italian. I was chatting through Google Translate. Finally AXA disembarked to exfiltrate me by ambulance directly at the foot of the plane on the tarmac of Palermo airport towards Nice airport then towards the "Les Espérels" clinic in Figanières, France on 03/07/2023 where I stayed for two month of rehabilitation until 05/09/2023. My campervan was repatriated by a driver mandated by AXA. As a result, my cardiologist's diagnosis and my brother's injunction put an end to my trips around the globe and my motorhome was sold and delivered to the buyer on 10/19/2023. My nomadic life from 05/01/2005 to 02/06/2023 ended with the breakage of my right femur as a result of recurring dizziness since March 2022, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation . An era of sedentary retirement begins: I must organize my happy end of life at home, with the hope of not ending up in an EHPAD! My website will be closed in May 2024 on the date of renewal of the contract with the host, Website vacuum cleaners allow you to download it with all its components.