From 2008/07/23 to 2008/07/28 |
-- From Zeebrugge to Paris CDG |
Road towards Zeebrugge |
Actually I
left UNICAT on Tuesday 22/07 as of early dawn. Alas the “malignant one” was put
at work. Indeed in the afternoon I put air-conditioning in work but it did not
function. I stopped on a service area to check the system. I noted that the
tank of coolant was empty. I called UNICAT, Mr. Ritter, who organized an
appointment the following day at MAN Brugge workshop. |
In the afternoon of the 23/08 at the
back from Man Brugge, I went to the forwarding agent
Zeemar NV to pay the
invoice and to know the name of the forwarding agent in Port Klang in charge of the customs clearance. On the 25/07 towards 9:00 I presented my truck on quay 502 to carry out the documentation of loading. Then I parked it in the guarded enclosure and the employee ordered me a taxi. I took a train to Brussels-Midi then a Tallys to Paris-North. I establish my "home" in an Ibis hotel at Courbevoie opposite the Île de la Jatte! |
The Belgian quarrel |
I benefited from my stay in Belgium, in Flemish country, to discuss with local people of a Belgium split between Flanders and Wallonia. These talks were with the foreman of Man-Brugge, perfectly quadrilingual, Flemish, French, English German, with the firemen of Brugge, bilingual, with a charming old woman met in the train to Brussel-Midi. All these French speaking people had the same speech with more or less objectivity. It arises that Flemish pays for economically less developed Wallonia, that Walloons do not learn the Flemish that they regard as a “vulgar” language however that ultimately this quarrel is purely political and shows the bankruptcy of the Belgian political community. Moreover all agree to cancel the comments of the media which want to attach the Flemish to Holland and Wallonia to France. It is to forget some sociocultural realities, the Flemish are catholic whereas Hollander are Protestant, Wallonia is decentralized whereas France is centralized, etc. Moreover Europe is a reality which could bring a regional solution to this question. But no politician at the level of Europe wishes to open this box of Pandora who could push other countries in such a way. At the moment of the writing this text, I do not know where is this quarrel,… linguistico economic. |
Weekend in Paris |
On weekend in Paris I went to the museum of the Louvre where I discovered a nugget, a 9000 year-old statue of “Ain Ghazal” lent by Jordan. Of course I contemplated Mona Lisa lengthily by seeking the key of “Da Vinci Code”, a well-known book. Then the following day I plunged in the museum of Orsay where I in particular reviewed “Olympia” by Manet and the self-portrait by Van Gogh. |
Aïn Ghazal |
Back to Malaisia, Sarawak |
On the 28/07 I took a seat on a Malaysia Airlines plane from Paris to Kuala Lumpur then Kuching where I arrived on the 29/07 at 10:00, local time. The time lag of Malaysia is 8 hours ahead of GMT. I visited Sarawak, then Brunei while waiting for the arrival of Cygnus Leader vessel envisaged the 21/08 in Port Klang. It actually arrived Sunday 24/08. |
Draguignan, le 2012/02/05 | |||