Obviously the main curiosity in Abrantes, the strong castle, is closed to
the visit Monday. This castle built in the 14th century to protect
Lisbon did not resist the invasion of the French Army in 1807 under
the orders of Junot which was named duke of Abrantes. On the other
hand the gardens surrounding it were accessible with a small basin
surrounded by strange flowers and a swan, "whiter than white". It
dominates the right bank of Tage river in fog emanating from the cold ground
heated by the sun. In cause of despair I left on a tour in the old
city at the bottom of castle while strolling randomly the lanes
outcomes at a large number of decorated small squares either with a
basin or with a modern sculpture. They are covered with awning for the
torrid summers. I bivouacked on the carpark of the castle.
Abrantes, click on the pic for opening the gallery
Vila Nova da Barquinha
On Tuesday, December 5 I left Abrantes in the morning fog to
traverse the valley of Tage while visiting charming small village of
Constância with its white houses on hillside.
Alas the pollution of chimneys of a factory
was added to the fog as well as a throbbing background noise.
Further on Castelo de Almourol emerged just
in connection with these fogs to visit it after a short crossing
by boat. Indeed it was built in 1171, like
the other strong castles of this time, by the Grand
Master of the Templars, Gualdim Pais, on a
rock small island in the middle of Tage as
line of defense during the Reconquista on the Moors. I was the only
visitor to expect the departure of the boat. I stopped a few
kilometers further away to bivouac on a
carpark at the edge of river.
Constância & Château de Almourol, click on the pic for opening the gallery
Before the target of the day I took two pictures while passing into
Golegã, center of breeding of horses and bulls, the first the manuelin
gate of the church as well as an equestrian azulejo. Even while
arriving around 11:00 at Santarém, the city was still covered with a
light fog in the coldness because the sun was hidden. With the plan
of the city collected at the tourist office I explored it and, I
noted that I was the only tourist! Of course curiosities consisted
of many churches whose majority were closed except the cathedral and
the contiguous museum exhibiting various sacred objects including
two statues of the 15th century, one representing the Holy Trinity.
While strolling I traversed very commercial malls decorated for the
X-mas festivities in order to attract idlers. I bivouacked on a carpark.
Golegã & Santarém, click on the pic for opening the gallery
Caldas da Rainha
On Thursday, December 7 I threw my reserved on the Baths of the
Queen, Caldas da Rainha whose interest lies in Igreja de Nossa
Senhora do Pópulo with its Gothic bell-tower at the manuelin windows
as well as the triptych of the Crucifixion above the arc of
manuelin style. Then around Parque Dom Carlos I I traversed the
rooms of two museums: At the museum Jose Malhoa, delaying to me in front
of suggestive paintings of Jose Malhoa as well as the two more
known, “The promises” and “the ultimate interrogation of the marquis de
Pombal”. At the museum do Hospital e das Caldas I noticed two particularly
azulejos and a painting of the 17th century of Nossa
Senhora do Pópulo. On the way towards Óbidos I found a spot of
bivouac at the exit of the city.
Caldas da Rainha, click on the pic for opening the gallery
The GPS road tacklog
from Peniche to Azenhas do Mar
from 2017/12/09 au 2017/10/08
On Friday, December 8 at 9:00 the village of Óbidos was in the
rain and in the fog, not very filling with enthusiasm to visit this
high tourist place. Indeed as of 10:00 buses poured the hordes
of tourists sheltered under their umbrellas disbudding without shame
the passers by. As of their arrival I fled giving up my visit. The
village about 12,000 inhabitants is surrounded by
entirely restored old walls of the 12th century. I have time to see
some sights, the main street and the Santa Maria church. I did
not venture on the ramparts slipping by the rain and
offering only one spectacle stopped by the fog. Clearing me a forced
passage among the umbrellas I returned to my vehicle around 10:30
to go to bivouac always in the rain and in the fog at seaside in
Peniche at the bottom of lighthouse.
Óbidos, click on the pic for opening the gallery
On Saturday, December 9 by a gloomy weather without much of
visibility I went along the Atlantic Ocean in search of beautiful
landscapes for pictures, que nenni, nothing to see circulating.
Without wanting it I arrived at Mafra at the end of the morning,
to make visits too late. I found a bivouac on a carpark in
a residential zone.
Mafra I
Aubade devant la Basilique, le palais, le couvent et la crèche de l'enfant Jésus |
Mafra II, click on the pic for opening the
The Palace-convent of Mafra is a building whose the 220 meters
frontage long was built at the end of the 18th century by king Jean
V. The basilica is detached by whiteness from its Carrara marble
like the houses of angle. The visit starts with the palace and the
convent. I particularly retained the infirmary and its bottles then
the vast furnished rooms giving on the frontage. In the middle of
the gallery of 220 meters, the room of the Blessing giving on the
basilica is out of white and pink marble. At the opposite of the frontage
the long library of more than 80 meters gathers approximately 40,000
volumes out of leather. The ground is also out of pink
marble. The cupola of the basilica culminates at 70 meters height.
Each vault contains white a marble retable engraved in low-relief.
At the transept crossing six organ is encrusted at middle
height. In the garden raptors expected with greed their prey,
of the tourists. I sought a bivouac at the edge of the Atlantic
Ocean on the way towards Sintra.